AfterLife Books
Everything you want
to know about
your next life in
the spirit world.
What happens after your physical death?

Contrary to what you have probably been taught to believe, death is not the final annihilation. Not only will you survive death, but you will feel as if you are still the same! And if you have been a decent person, you will survive in familiar surroundings. (On the other hand, if you have been evil, you will hate surviving. But you should also know that damned souls can nonetheless eventually evolve and get out of hell!)

This website offers several books in PDF format for free download (plus a page of Internet links), that describe in detail what awaits you in the afterlife. The information come from different authors (mediums, out-of-body travelers, and people who have had a near-death experience) and overlap with each other (hence are credible).

And if you want to get straight to the point, there's our illustrated book that sums it all up in a single 290-page volume:


by Eddie Teurrès - 2024-2025

"You may not know it, but what awaits you in the afterlife, once you’ve ceased to live on Earth, is well known. You may have been taught to fear your inevitable demise, but this is not the case. This book tells you everything you need to know, but more importantly, shows it to you with many illustrations! Granted, no camera has ever returned from the afterlife to prove it to you. But these 291 pages filled with images generated by Artificial Intelligence, should stimulate your imagination and depict better than a long speech, what most of you have never heard of!
Don’t be afraid of death! Read this book and add new, optimistic and liberating ideas to the obscurantist opinions you’ve been fed by the ignorant nihilists who think they can tell you what you should believe. Let their narrow worldview return to dust, and see for yourselves what eternity will be like. The descriptions contained in this book are a synthesis of the best spiritualist literature of the 20th century, plus accounts reported by various out-of-body travelers."

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