AfterLife Books
Everything you want
to know about
your next life in
the spirit world.
A short summary of what happens after death

What happens once you're dead? Stop fretting about it (well, unless of course you were an unrepentant pest)! You'll survive, and you'll find yourself in a world similar to the one you left, only better if you were a good person (i.e. honest, reasonably altruistic and benevolent). How is this possible, when many people find the idea ridiculous?

The universe is consciousness and spirit. Contrary to what the atheistic materialist paradigm taught you, the universe is not matter that appeared and evolved by chance, and mind is not the illusory product of electrical activity in a brain of pure non-conscious matter. The opposite is true: the manifested world you perceive is the product of consciousness (and in this case, the collective product of all consciousnesses, except in your sleep when you dream).

So you're much more than your physical body. You're a soul incarnated in a "flesh and blood vessel" with a spiritual body (subdivided into astral, mental and other bodies). During your earthly existence, everything you live, do and think is memorized in your spiritual body, and little by little builds up your identity. When your physical body dies, the spiritual body continues to exist, but in another dimension: the spirit world. And it's the same you, just as you were at the moment of your death; nothing is taken away or added, it's still you, but without the physical body.

Once dead, you find yourself as a spirit body, in a "mental" world. (Except that this spirit world is more real than our physical world, because believe it or not, our world is the least real of all the dimensions in the universe.) And so you appear and exist there as the human being you once were, because that's what you've imprinted on your spiritual nature! Your new environment resembles the one you lived in, because that's what you've memorized in your spiritual body!

(You could very well find yourself here, if it's what you want and deserves.)

But there are many differences with the world you left behind. The first and most important difference is that your spirit body is immortal and incorruptible, and doesn't need to eat, drink or sleep. The second difference is that the identity you have created throughout your life determines in which part of the spirit world you will find yourself: with other spirits in your likeness, and in an environment and atmosphere that will reflect who you were. Thus, honest, reasonably altruistic and benevolent people find themselves in the higher spheres, closer and closer to paradise. Whereas criminals of all kinds, the selfish and the wicked, end up in ever darker and more detestable worlds – in other words, hell.

So, to sum up, once you're dead, even though you've left this world and lost your material body, you continue to exist almost identically to what you were before, and in a world that is itself real and solid in appearance, resembling the world to which you were accustomed. For it is your consciousness that creates (along with other spirits of the same spiritual level) this new world in which you now live, based on the memories you have retained of the old one.

It takes evolving and refining, as well as expanding your consciousness, to eventually (and gradually) discard the terrestrial human form and concerns, and become pure light without particular shape, the closer you get to God in the multiple higher dimensions of the afterlife.

Now, to find out more, there are several books to download on this page, or you could even buy the book An Illustrated Guide to the Afterlife which sums it all up with plenty of illustrations.

(Life for a good spirit will be peaceful and carefree.)

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