to know about
your next life in
the spirit world.
No, sorry, this page is not about contacting the spirit world! (Okay, I am kidding, but see my disclaimer bottom of this page...)
Anyway, as the author, I prefer to remain anonymous (Eddie Teurrès is but a pen name, as you can guess). I’m just a retired man with no doctorate or degree to give my book and this website, any authority. It’s just that I’ve been interested in questions regarding spirituality for over 40 years, reading extensively on the subject, and having had a few spiritual experiences over the years that validate what I’ve read here and there. This book and website were not intended to convince you of anything, only to entertain you, stimulate your imagination and suggest that there may well be a final destiny other than oblivion.
All the illustrations displayed on this website, in An Illustrated Guide to the Afterlife, and the front cover art of most of the download books, were done by AI on
Do you have comments or questions regarding the book An Illustrated Guide to the Afterlife ? Well, to be honest, I don't promise to answer everyone, especially if I happen to be flooded with emails! But I may be interested in your questions if the book wasn't clear on some points, or you would like to know more about certain subjects. In fact, if I get enough of them, it could be the excuse for doing a sequel to the book, of course adding more AI illustrations and quotes from spiritualist books.
As such you may send your comments and questions at
I certainly do NOT suggest that you should attempt to communicate with spirits.
Most of the information contained in these afterlife books was communicated by spirits. Yet, although I believe the information is genuine, don't try it yourself! Beware of wanting to communicate with spirits! It's dangerous! Some people have been born with the gift and mission of communicating with the beyond, at some point during their life. Such persons are probably protected by spirits from the higher spheres, at least so long as they remain honest and not doing it for profit. On the other hand, ordinary people who set out to develop such an aptitude on their own initiative, or to associate with a dubious medium, do so at their own risk. Understand that you are primarily going to attract those who are on your own spiritual level! If your motivation is frivolous curiosity, sensationalism, power and money, you won't attract highly evolved spirits (angels and such) from the higher spheres. Instead, you'll mainly come across earthbound spirits, lost souls or even infernal beings. Then, you will only perceive what they want to tell you, while they will easily know how to manipulate and possess you.
You have no idea how many people have harmful spirits that parasitize them and negatively affect their existence. Possession is commonplace! It's nothing to do with a big-screen drama like The Exorcist! It's much more insidious, and most people don't realize it. That's why I highly recommend reading The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts and 30 Years among the Dead available as free downloads from this site, as well as An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind (or also here). In this last book, the author (a psychiatrist) explains how he discovered that most psychotics are actually inhabited by evil spirits!
A final comment on possession, and how to free yourself from it. Magic and gris-gris won't help you much (if at all). But as human beings, God has given us free will. In reality, most people who are haunted or possessed have consciously or unconsciously accepted it. Where they had a spiritual or psychological weakness, they allowed themselves to be seduced by ideas (and not necessarily theirs) that arose in their minds, which were actually evil and would spiritually drag them "down". This is what allows a spirit to attach itself to a person, and haunt them more or less surreptitiously. Then, when a priest who has been baptized in the Holy Spirit prays for your deliverance, he is not using a personal power, but asking the heavenly spirits (and typically Jesus Christ) to cast out the parasitic spirit. However, for this to be effective, the possessed person must truly and sincerely wish to be rid of this intruder (whether they perceive it as such, or just as a problem that affects them in incomprehensible ways). In fact, your guardian angel himself will rid you of it if you REALLY want to. However, wanting it must also include giving up the false lure of dishonest, vicious, forbidden or other like ideas that allowed this spirit to attach itself to you in the first place.