You will find below a collection of (mostly spiritualist) books detailing the afterlife, the spirit-world and its inhabitants; and then for a few of these books, the dangers of dealing with earthbound spirits that roam our physical world in search of victims to possess.

Robert H. Benson (1871-1914) was an Anglican then Catholic priest, as well as a successful literary author. When he reached the spirit world, he was deeply afflicted to learn that what he had told about the afterlife in his books, was flawed. He sincerely wanted to find a way to fix his erroneous teachings. He was able to do so decades later, in transmitting to medium Anthony Borgia (1896-1989) -who had known him personally when he was still alive-, accurate accounts of what happens to people after they die.
George Vale Owen (1869-1931) was an ordained priest of the Church of England from 1893 to 1922. In 1909, the death of his mother awoke his psychic abilities, and he began to receive messages from her (through automatic writing) in 1913. He was so impressed by the information he got from the other side, that he converted to spiritualism and eventually published the five-volume set of
Life Beyond the Veil in the 1920s. However, upon learning it, his religious hierarchy banned him from the Church in 1922. Thereafter, George Vale Owen began actively promoting Spiritualism, first in the USA, then in England where he gave more than 150 lectures.
James Edward Padgett (1852-1923) was an American lawyer from Washington. When his wife Helen died in 1914, he was so devastated that he turned to spiritualist groups in hope of making contact with her. To make a long story short, he eventually succeeded and discovered that he had a talent for “automatic writing” that he strove to develop. He was then chosen by Jesus Christ to receive and transmit his teachings about Divine Love, as he was deemed a medium capable of receiving messages without (unconsciously) altering and misinterpreting them.
Robert James Lees (1849-1931) was a renown English medium and spiritualist. He claimed to have had his first psychic experience aged three. Then, despite having had little formal education, Lees wrote a series of spiritualist books which continued to sell many years after his death. He claimed that these books had been dictated to him by friends from the spirit realm, and referred to himself as the
Recorder. The best known is the three-volume series “The Mists Trilogy” (Through the Mists, The Life Elysian, The Gate of Heaven), written between 1898 – 1931.
J.S.M. Ward (1885-1949) was an English author who published widely on the subject of Freemasonry and esotericism. He was not only a psychic medium and spiritualist, but also believed himself to be called by God to help prepare the world for the return of Christ. In 1927 he became the leader of a small Christian group that had originated in the Far East, and was eventually consecrated into the Orthodox Catholic Church by John Churchill Sibley in 1935, and succeeded him as Archbishop three years later! Then, as archbishop, Ward remained a controversial figure in England throughout the late 1930s and early 1940s.
Very little is known about Charlotte E. Dresser (1855-1927/28). She apparently had some independent means of subsistence, and also made a living as a music teacher. She then met and became intimate with Fred and Carrie (“Dee”) Rafferty in 1905. The trio traveled across the world from 1911 to 1916, then Carrie died in 1917. Afterwards, Fred and Charlotte investigated Spiritualism in hope of contacting Carrie, and their work together is reproduced in the two books available below, that were transmitted through “automatic writing”.
- Chico Xavier - Andre Luiz : Astral City (Nosso Lar) (3.4 Mb PDF)
- Caroline D. Larsen : My Travels in the Spirit World (1.4 Mb PDF)
- Elsa Barker : Letters of a Living Dead Man (1.4 Mb PDF)
- A. Farnese - Franchezzo : A Wanderer In Spirit Land (2.3 Mb PDF)
- Frederick C. Sculthorp : Excursions to the Spirit World (1.5 Mb PDF)
- J. Greber : Communications with the Spirit World (3.1 Mb PDF)
- L. Kelway-Bamber : Claude's Book (0.8 Mb PDF)
- P. Woodman - E. Stead : The Blue Island (0.7 Mb PDF)
- Dr. Carl Wickland : 30 Years Among the Dead (2.5 Mb PDF)
- C.W. Leadbeater : The Astral Plane (1.5 Mb PDF)
- C.W. Leadbeater : The Devachanic Plane (1.6 Mb PDF)
- Anonymous - J.E. Padgett : Ingersoll : Converted to Christ (1.7 Mb PDF)
- Joe Fisher : The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (45.5 Mb PDF)
(This book is not yet in the public domain, and can still be bought here, if you want a printed copy. As such, I might have to remove it from download at any time, if the copyrights owners ask me so. Until then, I nonetheless propose it as a PDF, since it's a must-read book, while Joe Fisher died in 2001 without heir, so the book has probably lost any royalties beneficiary, as much as it has escaped public awareness. Joe Fisher died from suicide, and he allegedly told his publisher a short time before, that he was persecuted by evil spirits for having written this book.)
- John Panella : Book 1 : Children of the Harvest (2.8 Mb PDF)
- John Panella : Book 2 : Alien Seed (3.1 Mb PDF)
- John Panella : Book 3 : Mystery of the Pyramid (2.9 Mb PDF)
- John Panella : Book 4 : Keys to the Master Code (2.4 Mb PDF)
- John Panella : Book 5 : Forbidden Legacy of Gods (2.7 Mb PDF)
(These 2017 books are not related to the Afterlife. They also aren't in the public domain. Yet, they were distributed for free in PDF format, until the author and his websites disappeared from the Internet a few years ago, without warning or explanation. As such, I might have to remove them from download at any time, if the copyrights owner asks me so. Until then, I nonetheless propose them as free PDF files as they formerly were, since they are an interesting viewpoint on the Bible, that I mentionned in my book. Some people may want to see for themselves, and they aren't available anywhere else.)